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🔗Tools Required:- GitHub: For source code repository and version control. Docker and Docker Compose: For containerizing the Node.js...
1.What is Kubernetes and why it is important? Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling,...
In Kubernetes, a Persistent Volume (PV) is a piece of storage in the cluster that has been provisioned by an administrator. A Persistent Volume Claim...
💫What are ConfigMaps and Secrets in k8s In Kubernetes, a ConfigMap is a resource object that allows you to store configuration data separately from...
🎯What are Services in K8s In Kubernetes, Services are objects that provide stable network identities to Pods and abstract away the details of Pod IP...
What are Namespaces and Services in k8s In Kubernetes, Namespaces are used to create isolated environments for resources. Each Namespace is like a...